Menjelang Aidil Fitri

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Penyimpan Besar Raja-Raja telah mengishtihar tarikh hari raya Aidil Fitri 1429 H jatuh pada hari Rabu,1 Oktober 2008.Sejak 2 hari yang lalu saya menerima banyak Sms raya,e-card raya di friendster dan facebook dari rakan-rakan.Hanya 3 keping kad raya yang di poskan kepada saya datangnya dari syarikat KDEB dan juga bank.Saya menjangkakan raya kali ini tidak ada lagi kelihatan rumah-rumah menggantungkan kad-kad raya seperti lazimnya amalan terdahulu. Tradisi raya di negara ini sayangnya sudah agak luntur selari dengan kemajuan zaman.

Dulu ketika kehidupan masih lagi sederhana,Aidil Fitri di sambut meriah baik di kota mahupun di kampung dengan mengamalkan tradisi kunjung-mengunjung dan saling maaf-bermaafan.Malah ada yang mengatakan orang dahulu jika meminta maaf sesama mereka akan memberitahu segala kesalahan yang dilakukan secara terperinci,begitulah adanya.Kemudian beransur-ansur tradisi meminta maaf ini di ganti pula dengan kad ucapan.Rata-rata menggunakan ayat "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,Minal aidil wal faizin, Maaf Zahir dan Batin" sebagai pengganti diri dan kini,cukup hanya mengantar pesanan ringkas(SMS) di telefon bimbit sahaja.

Kebanyakkan sms yang diterima oleh saya menggunakan ayat-ayat sedia ada dengan hanya mengulang pakai(forward) sms yang diterima dan dihantarkannya pula kepada orang lain.Pernah saya menerima SMS yang sama dari 5 orang yang berlainan.Semakin hari kita menjadi semakin malas untuk mencipta ucapan sendiri dan membuatkan kita semakin kurang kreatif.Setidak-tidaknya editlah dahulu dan taipkan nama si penerima di atas mesej tersebut.

Alhamdulillah suasana raya di Kuala Terengganu masih lagi dapat dirasakan.Bandar yang biasanya sunyi pada malam hari kini di banjiri oleh ribuan manusia rata-ratanya anak perantauan yang pulang beraya di kampung. Seperti ada pesta sedang berlangsung di bandar,kecoh dengan suara manusia sibuk tawar-menawar harga barang untuk keperluan hari raya esok.Menjelang tengah malam nanti,suasana akan bertambah meriah dengan lelongan terakhir peniaga-peniaga di "chow kit" Kuala Terengganu di dataran Shah Bandar.Begitulah suasana menjelang raya setiap tahun.Hari ini saya bangun awal-awal pagi lagi untuk temankan bonda ke pasar mencari daging lembu,limpa serta rempah-rempah untuk menyediakan rendang malam nanti.Jika lambat sedikit,akan kehabisan daging pula nanti dan terpaksa beratur panjang.

Akhir sekali, saya dengan rendah hati ingin memohon maaf zahir dan batin. Jika ada salah dan silap selama ini mahupun melukai hati sesiapa pasti tidak disengajakan saya.Allah menyukai mereka yang pemaaf dan mereka yang berbuat baik. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ~

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1429 Hijrah

Monday, September 29, 2008

Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada kaum keluarga,teman-teman serta umat Islam keseluruhannya.Saya juga ingin memohon kemaafan jika ada salah dan silap.Semoga di hari yang mulia ini,kita raikan dengan rasa syukur kepada Allah s.w.t sempena kejayaan mengharungi Bulan Ramadhan.

"juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan) dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjukNya dan supaya kamu bersyukur."-Surah al-Baqarah:185.

Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Monday, September 29, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Balik Kampung

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Semalam, saya bersama rakan,Faizal Mohamed telah bertolak pulang ke kampung kami di Kuala Terengganu.Kami bertolak dari KL jam 11 pagi.Sepanjang perjalanan keadaan traffik adalah lancar.Saya difahamkan oleh adik saya, traffik agak sesak sedikit di Tol memasuki Karak Highway pada sebelah awal pagi.Kebanyakkan orang memilih untuk memulakan perjalanan pada sebelah malam atau selepas sahur dan kurang pada sebelah siang hari.

Dalam perjalanan, kami singgah di Kuantan untuk membeli belah di Berjaya Mall dan juga singgah di rumah bakal mertua Faizal, juga di Kuantan untuk memberikan barang kepada teman wanitanya.Jam 7,Kami membeli sedikit makanan di Mc Donald Bandar Kerteh dan berbuka di dalam perjalanan.Sampai saja di Kelulut, Marang,kami berhenti untuk makan ikan chermin bakar,sotong bakar dan juga tomyam pada harga yang sangat murah.Saya ingin menasihatkan kepada teman-teman semua yang masih berada di kota agar berhati-hati di jalan raya,semoga selamat sampai di Kampung masing-masing..Selamat~

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Sunday, September 28, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Lagu Pak lah menyanyi

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I don't wanna talk,
About the things we've gone through.
Though it's hurting me,
Now it's history.

I've played all my cards,
And that's what you've done too.
Nothing more to say,
No more ace to play.

The winner takes it all.
The loser has to fall.
It's simple and it's plain.
Why should I complain.

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Lagu buat pak lah

Monday, September 15, 2008

Time to say goodbye.

Places that I've never seen or experienced with you.

Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,

seas that exist no more,

it's time to say goodbye.
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Monday, September 15, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Jangan Takut Kepada Perubahan

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

By YB Khalid Samad MP of Shah Alam:

I received an sms yesterday with questions which I think are worth answering/discussing. The sms had 7 or 8 concerns if you will and is repeated below:-

Please seriously consider the following in the future Pakatan:

1. The implication of Anwar's over promised populist approach to the non-Malays, which may carry negative implications to PAS Malays thresholds.

2. DAP and PKR extremists, liberalists within the administration that might create social insecurity among the Malay PAS supporters.

3. The mass defection of UMNO MPs with their corrupt culture into PKR that takes lead in Pakatan direction.

4. The Islamic social welfare policies versus drastic fiscal policies that piggy back on budget deficits that subsidies populists at the expanse of future generation

5. Where is PAS in the whole process? Where are we heading? We may have destroyed the evil UMNO, but invited the Satan that bow to US and foreign super power.

6. Malay unity is very crucial to the Malaysian social, economic stability. Please mirror Indonesian's reformasi. The people still struggle since 1998, while national economic resources are gang raped by super power.

7. Why not PAS take the leading role in forming the next government and unite Malays?

Don't know what is best? The survival of PAS is at stake. It's definitely sure US is behind Anwar to destroy NEP which is our social engineering insurance for stability. Now our country is heading towards anarchy situations!

I cannot help feeling sorry for the person who is genuinely fearful of the impending change. I believe his concerns are sincere and I wish to address them as follows:-

1. Anwar's so called 'over promised populist approach to the non-Malays' as he puts it needs to be specified so that we understand what exactly he is worried about. There is this impression, for which UMNO is obviously responsible, that Anwar is selling out the Malays and Islam. I do not agree. To address the issues raised by the non-Malays, within the framework of the National Constitution is not tantamount to 'selling out' the Malays and Islam. This is as the position of both is firmly rooted in the same Constitution. So, in short, if he can try to specify where exactly Anwar 'sells-out', it is difficult to answer this question. He may find, to his surprise, that once he sits down to list all the items, he will end up with a blank page! This is the power of 'perception' which everyone talks about in the realm of politics.

2. The term 'extremists' which he uses here, I presume are the liberalists which once placed in the new administration will have a field day and turn his world upside-down. Again this is the perception and again I stress that everything which will be implemented needs to conform to the Constitution.

Secondly, we will rule by consensus (Perak being a salient example) and while PAS is a minority partner in the current set-up, we will ensure that justice will always be the prime consideration in all policies and decisions. We too have no intention of 'selling-out' anybody. I think the major question here that everybody has to answer is "can there be justice for everyone?" If the answer is yes, then there is no problem to proceed. However if it is sincerely believed that it is an unachievable ideal then why bother in the first place? For PAS we believe that justice was the purpose of the Prophets (May peace be upon them) and based on Islam, all are to be given their rightful share.

3. PKR may be taking the lead but they know as much as we do that they cannot lead where we do not wish to follow. We are not tied by our nostrils. That is partly the reason why PR will work. In the BN, UMNO was too dominant. Everything just got bulldozed through. When one started lining his pockets, true to the saying, "if you cannot beat them, join them", the rest followed in droves.

As for the mass defection of the UMNO MPs with their corrupt culture, I wonder, would it be seen as a problem if they defected and joined PAS?

4. A lot of words but an equal amount of assumptions. "Budget deficits subsiding populists" etc. etc. The current BN budget is a deficit budget. It subsidises cronies and leaves the crumbs to the general population. It proceeds with Mega projects worth Billions while the returns are uncertain. As for the future generation, their future starts now! If the majority of parents are too busy making a living and financially very hard pressed, what future can they have?

We will be equally responsible to ensure that the PR budget is a responsible budget with the Islamic Welfare objectives clearly in sight. Again PKR does not rule alone.

5. PAS is strongly entrenched in the states which we have won. Our role in the defection of the BN MPs in Sabah and Sarawak is admittedly limited due to our limited presence there. However, it does not mean we have no role in the end, which is what matters.

The Satan referred to is Anwar, I presume. Well, again, thanks to the BN, this is a perception within certain quarters. Personally I have known Anwar for many years, since the 70s. His is a challenging life and all credit to him, he survived where many lesser men would have succumbed easily. I do not see any justice in the perception of him as Satan and unless people can, again, come up with specific charges which are proven without a shadow of a doubt; they should not go around making such statements. The Satans I see are those who line their pockets with the money that is meant for the poor, persecute people for no reason besides their dissent and the such. As for bowing down to the US, well again that is an unsubstantiated charge.

6. Yes it is true that Malay unity is important and we will work to build this but on the ruins left behind by UMNO. We have always stated that it is UMNO who stood in the way of the unity of the Malays and the Malaysians as a national entity. The time has arrived for us to prove this. Getting cold feet already ah? Biasalah tu!

7. Yes, this is what we all hope for, that PAS will be able to be at the fore-front of all things. However, this is something we will have to work for and not just demand. We have to believe that we can prove ourselves to the rakyat that we are the best. We cannot do this until we are free of the constraints placed, both physical and psychological, by UMNO/BN. Then we will be able to convince the Malays and the non-Malays that we are worthy of their trust and the most capable to lead this great country of ours. BUT this starts with a step forward, not backwards.

The NEP has been placed in the dustbin by BN long ago! The so-called DEB had been 'upgraded' to the DEC (Dasar Ekonomi Crony) years ago and while giving the Malays the crumbs, they kept the majority in poverty and thus dependent. UMNO had the gall to parade themselves as the saviors of the Malays! We need to wake up and realize that the opportunity for real change and real solutions has arrived. Seize the moment and Tawakkal alAllah!

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------


Friday, September 05, 2008

Tahniah Dato' Seri kerana telah bangkitkan semangat kemerdekaan rakyat Malaysia!
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Friday, September 05, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------