Terbakar hati siapa yang tahu

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Akar nibung meresap-resap
Akar mati dalam perahu
Terbakar kampung nampak berasap
Terbakar hati siapa yang tahu

Sakit menebang kayu berlubang
Kayu hidup dimakan api
Sakit menumpang kasih orang
Daripada hidup baiklah mati

Biji saga nampaklah merah
Bawa segenggam pergi ke kota
Hati kecewa amatlah parah
Tidur bertilam si air mata.
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Tuesday, October 28, 2008 | link | 1 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Shamsiah Fakeh dalam Kenangan..(1924 - 2008)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Al-Fatihah buat Shamsiah Fakeh serta takziah untuk keluarga beliau.

Shamsiah Fakeh (born 1924- died 20th of October, 2008) was a Malaysian nationalist and feminist. She was the leader of Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS), Malaysia's first nationalist women organization. Her political awakening started when she was a student in Kuala Pilah. She often attended meetings sponsored by UMNO and this started her nationalist fervor. She was a fiery orator and this led her to be scouted by both UMNO and the Malay Nationalist Party (Partai Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya; PKMM). She chose to join PKMM because she believed it was more dedicated to the struggle for Malaya's independence; UMNO, in her view, was the puppet of the British. In 1946, she was asked to lead PKMM's women wing, AWAS. When the Malayan Emergency was declared in 1948, Shamsiah joined the predominantly ethnic-Malay 10th Rejiment of the Malayan Communist Party.

Read more ---> Shamsiah Fakeh Srikandi Malaya

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------


Monday, October 20, 2008

Hari ini kakitangan awam menerima gaji bagi bulan Oktober.Malangnya, hingga bulan ini, sudah 3 bulan berturut-turut, saya dan juga beberapa rakan yang lain hanya menerima separuh gaji .Pelbagai alasan diberikan.Ianya disebabkan kelembapan kerja pusat pentadbiran kami dan juga pelbagai karenah birokrasi.Kami tidak pasti perkara ini akan berlanjutan sampai bila.Dengan keadaan negara mengalami ekonomi yang semakin parah,harga minyak dan barangan melambung tinggi, perkara sebegini menambahkan lagi kesusahan hidup kami.Apatah lagi, minggu lalu rakan kerja saya di Raub telah melangsungkan perkahwinannya,sudah tentu terdesak memerlukan wang.Walaupun begitu, kami tetap meneruskan perjalanan kerja kami dengan tekun dan amanah bagi membantu rakyat-rakyat yang susah.

p/s: Selamat Pengantin baru buat Husni Fairos dan Nor Azleen.Semoga kekal bahagia selamanya~ Husni Pengarah BBG Raub
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Monday, October 20, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Nemo Judex In Causa Sua

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Conference of Rulers has today decided to stick to convention and name Court of Appeal president Zaki Azmi as the new chief justice to replace the retiring Abdul Hamid Mohamad.

The federal constitution provides for the rulers to appoint the chief justice on the advice of the prime minister.The appointment, yet to be made official, will surely cause an uproar following Zaki's previous links with Umno.He was only appointed to the Federal Court last September and two months later he was made Court of Appeal president.

-- Judges must constantly bear in mind the legitimate expectations of the people as to their competency,dedication and impartiality.As Socrates said; "four things belong to a judge; to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially."

Not only must judges display their requisite level of competence and expertise, they must, like Caesar's wife, be above suspicion.Judges must be seen to be absolutely impartial in the adjudication of all cases. - The Asian Renaissance
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Friday, October 17, 2008 | link | 25 comments | -----------------------------------------------

“Global Aspiration... A World-Class University”

Friday, October 10, 2008

Malaysian higher educational institution have failed to make it to the Top 200 in global university rankings for the second year in a row.

The top Asian university is Australian National University at No 16, followed by Tokyo University (19), Kyoto University (25), University of Hong Kong (26) and National University of Singapore (30).

Nanyang Technological University of Singapore No 77. Thailand's Chulalongkorn University is ranked No 166!


posted by Q-KHALIFA, Friday, October 10, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------