Cermin diri

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed today blamed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi for the corruption which he says is rife in Umno.

"This was so because even Abdullah was seen to abuse his position and power to help his son and son-in-law's businesses," he stated

-- Kata dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia yang lebih.

Dari bentan ke tanjung kandis,
ramai pengembara bermain pakau
bila berhadapan mulutnya manis
dalam sembunyi menanam ranjau.

Lima jari di tangan,
Satu ditunding ke satu arah,
Empat menunding diri sendiri,
Siapa yang bersalah?

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Saturday, November 15, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." -
-- Barack obama

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.
Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!

posted by Q-KHALIFA, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------

Format Masa Depan

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Permisi kenangan masa lalu
Beri kami jalan kami
Kami hadir bawa inovasi
Jangan rintangi kami lagi

Hembusan transformasi budaya
Dan deras ombak globalisasi
Menghantam nurani paling dalam
Mendobrak satu birokrasi
(Kebodohan... Kemiskinan...)

Kami kekuatan... Kekuatan masa mendatang
Format masa depan, Filter globalisasi
Alih teknologi...
Kami orang muda... Yang kaya akan obsesi
Mobilitas tinggi, Haus reformasi, Hakiki

Bangunlah jiwanya
Bangunlah raganya
Kami semua terpasung
Terpasung tikus birokrasi
posted by Q-KHALIFA, Sunday, November 02, 2008 | link | 0 comments | -----------------------------------------------